Island Construction
Founders Members

Robert Gunnoe

Keithroy Walters
Master Mason
Mr. Keithroy Walters has been a master mason for 30 years and has been building in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area since 2001. His first project in the area was in Lake Norman, where he laid the brickwork in Birkdale Elementary School.
Mr. Walters began working in masonry at the young age of fourteen as an apprentice to his father in St. Kitts, West Indies. Under the pounding island sun, the elder Mr. Walters instilled a hard-work ethic in young Keithroy that has remained his foundation to this day. Keithroy often works through lunch break and many times past quitting time, as his teams and colleagues watch in amazement. Mr. Walters has been dubbed “the Hardest Working Man on the East Coast.”